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Temple Mount, BW
140 images
Created 18 Aug 2014
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Exterior of Golden Gate, pp1089.jpg
Golden Gate interior, mat06649.jpg
Golden Gate, mat04932.jpg
Golden Gate, pp1057.jpg
Golden Gate-Exterior View, jb0027.jpg
The Golden Gate, ef0232.jpg
The Golden Gate, hf0110.jpg
Al Aqsa Facade, pp1061.jpg
Al Aqsa Mosque and Mount of Olives, ...jpg
Al Aqsa Mosque and Mount of Olives, ...jpg
Al Aqsa mosque during reconstruction...jpg
Al Aqsa mosque with new ceiling, 194...jpg
Al Aqsa Mosque, cedar pulpit & m...jpg
Al Aqsa Mosque, cedar pulpit, mat009...jpg
Al Aqsa Mosque, Chapel of Omar mihra...jpg
Al Aqsa Mosque, detail in dome, inte...jpg
Al Aqsa Mosque, interior nave, mat05...jpg
Al Aqsa Mosque, interior, mat06644.jpg
Al Aqsa Mosque, interior, new sectio...jpg
Al Aqsa Mosque, interior, sw corner ...jpg
Al Aqsa Mosque, looking across three...jpg
Al Aqsa Mosque, looking up into dome...jpg
Al Aqsa Mosque, mat00449.jpg
Al Aqsa Mosque, mat00486.jpg
Al Aqsa Mosque, mat06006.jpg
Al Aqsa Mosque, mat06074.jpg
Al Aqsa Mosque, mat06641.jpg
Al Aqsa Mosque, peculiar capitals, m...jpg
Al Aqsa Mosque, western porch, Thron...jpg
Double Gate interior, beneath Al Aqs...jpg
Mosque el Aksa, ef0121.jpg
Mosque el Aksa, with Basin, ef0122.jpg
Mosque el-Aksa, South Side, jb0017.jpg
Pier in the Vaults of the Mosque el-...jpg
Pillar of Double Gateway under Mosqu...jpg
Porch of the Mosque el-Aksa, jb0053.jpg
Pilate's House, overlooking Har...jpg
Temple Mount and Tower of Antonia th...jpg
Tower of Antonia from Temple area, m...jpg
Tower of Antonia from Temple area, m...jpg
Tower of Antonia, ef0250.jpg
Arches, Haram esh-Sherif, ef0195.jpg
Balustrade inscription on Temple Mou...jpg
Cotton Gate, mat05053.jpg
Cyprus Trees on Haram Esh Sherif, pp...jpg
Dome of Chain, mat05447.jpg
Dome of Elias in the Haram Area, jb0...jpg
Dome of the Chain interior, mat14673.jpg
Double Gate interior, details of car...jpg
Entrance to cavern under Rock Moriah...jpg
Fount of Kait Bey in Temple area, ma...jpg
Fountain of Gate of the Chain, pp104...jpg
Golden Gate from Temple area, mat061...jpg
Haram esh-Sherif, ef0236.jpg
Jerusalem and Temple Mount from se, ...jpg
Jerusalem from southeast on Jericho ...jpg
Mosque of el-Burak interior, mat1449...jpg
Mosque of Knights of the Crescent, p...jpg
Mt of Olives from Temple, ef0260.jpg
Northwest corner of Haram Esh Sherif...jpg
Old City and Temple Mount aerial fro...jpg
Oratories on Haram Esh Sherif, pp105...jpg
Pulpit on the Platform of the Haram,...jpg
Solomon's Stables, mat00902.jpg
Solomon's Stables, mat04873.jpg
Solomon's Stables, mat06646.jpg
Solomon's Stables, spring of ar...jpg
South Wall of Haram Esh Sherif, pp10...jpg
Southern side of Temple Mount, mat00...jpg
Southern Wall of Temple Area, hf0027.jpg
Stables of Solomon, ef0238.jpg
Substructions under South End of Tem...jpg
Temple area from slopes of Mount Sco...jpg
Temple area from Tower of Antonia, m...jpg
Temple area from Tower of Antonia, m...jpg
Temple area from Zion, mat00886.jpg
Temple Mount and Mount of Olives fro...jpg
Temple Mount and Old City, gd0006.jpg
Temple Mount and Western Wall aerial...jpg
Temple Mount, general view from nort...jpg
Temple Mount, general view from Towe...jpg
Temple Mount, holy flags and crowds,...jpg
Temple Mount, holy flags arriving, N...jpg
Temple Mount, typical minaret, mat05...jpg
Temple Mount, western porch, mat0504...jpg
The Rock in the Temple, ef0234.jpg
The Site of the Temple, ef0233.jpg
View of Haram area from beside Churc...jpg
Wall at the South-East Angle of the ...jpg
View of Temple Mount from Tower of A...jpg
Al Aqsa Mosque and Mount of Olives, ...jpg
Al Aqsa Mosque and Mount of Olives, ...jpg
Al Aqsa mosque during reconstruction...jpg
Al Aqsa mosque with new ceiling, 194...jpg
Al Aqsa Mosque, cedar pulpit and mih...jpg
Al Aqsa Mosque, cedar pulpit, mat009...jpg
Al Aqsa Mosque, Chapel of Omar mihra...jpg
Al Aqsa Mosque, detail in dome, inte...jpg
Al Aqsa Mosque, interior nave, mat05...jpg
Al Aqsa Mosque, interior, mat06644.jpg