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Earthly Footsteps
386 images
Created 12 Aug 2014
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107 English Orphanage, ef0107.jpg
108 Joseph's Work Shop, ef0108.jpg
109 Wheat Market, Nazareth, ef0109.jpg
163 Jacob's Well, ef0163.jpg
188 Hill at Bethsaida, ef0188.jpg
194 Monastery near Bethsaida, ef0194.jpg
013 Nazareth from English Orphanage,...jpg
011 The Pilgrims, ef0011.jpg
012 Birthplace of John the Baptist, ...jpg
017 Mill at Dothan, ef0017.jpg
014 The Gardens of Shunem, ef0014.jpg
018 Caravan at Dothan, ef0018.jpg
019 Fence at Dothan, ef0019.jpg
020 Flocks Near the Pit of Joseph, e...jpg
021 Pillars of Samaria, ef0021.jpg
023 Garden of Nablous, ef0023.jpg
022 Fall of Nablous, ef0022.jpg
025 Jerusalem from Scopus, ef0025.jpg
026 Approaching Bethlehem, ef0026.jpg
028 Church of the Nativity's En...jpg
029 Church of the Nativity's Al...jpg
030 Church of the Nativity's Gr...jpg
031 The Manger in the Grotto, ef0031.jpg
032 The Mosque of Omar, ef0032.jpg
033 Road from Jerusalem to Bethlehem...jpg
034 The Tomb of Rachel, ef0034.jpg
035 Glimpse of Solomon's Pools,...jpg
036 The Garden of the Virgin, ef0036.jpg
037 The Tree of the Virgin, ef0037.jpg
038 Coffeehouse at Matariyeh, ef0038.jpg
039 The Obelisk at Heliopolis, ef003...jpg
040 Threshing Scene at Heliopolis, e...jpg
041 Drawer of Water from the Nile, e...jpg
042 The Spring of the Virgin, ef0042.jpg
043 Cairo from the Citadel, ef0043.jpg
045 The Island Rhoda (Roda), ef0045.jpg
047 Grain Boats on the Nile, ef0047.jpg
046 Drawing Water, ef0046.jpg
048 Approach from the Nile Bridge, e...jpg
049 The Road to the Pyramids, ef0049.jpg
050 The Sphinx, ef0050.jpg
051 Entrance to Sphinx's Temple...jpg
051 Temple of the Sphinx's Entr...jpg
052 Temple of the Sphinx, ef0052.jpg
053 The Great Pyramid of Egypt, ef00...jpg
054 The King's Chamber, ef0054.jpg
055 The Site of Ancient Memphis, ef0...jpg
056 Statue of Rameses II, ef0056.jpg
057 Garden of Gizeh Museum, ef0057.jpg
059 Mummies of Priests, ef0059.jpg
058 Garden in Museum's Second S...jpg
060 Hall of the Royal Mummies, ef006...jpg
061 Rameses II, the Great, ef0061.jpg
062 Tombs of the Caliphs, ef0062.jpg
063 Tomb of Sultan Barkuk, ef0063.jpg
064 Tombs of the Mamelukes, ef0064.jpg
065 Tomb of Kait-Bey, ef0065.jpg
066 The Coptic Church, ef0066.jpg
067 The Mosque of the Citadel, ef006...jpg
068 The Mosque of Amr, ef0068.jpg
069 Mosque of Amr's Interior, e...jpg
070 Barracks at the Citadel, ef0070.jpg
071 The Castle of Babylon, ef0071.jpg
072 The Festival of Mah'mal, ef...jpg
073 Start of the Procession, ef0073.jpg
074 Head of the Procession, ef0074.jpg
075 Sarcophagus of Apis Bull, ef0075.jpg
076 Old Cairo, ef0076.jpg
077 Water Carriers, ef0077.jpg
078 Marriage Ceremony, Cairo, ef0078.jpg
079 Palm Trees and Pyramids, ef0079.jpg
080 Pompey's Pillar, ef0080.jpg
081 Oak of Mamre, ef0081.jpg
082 Kuryet el 'Anab, ef0082.jpg
083 The Jerusalem Road, ef0083.jpg
084 Hill of Saris, ef0084.jpg
085 Mosque of Wady 'Ali, ef0085.jpg
086 Wady 'Ali, ef0086.jpg
087 Valley of Ajalon, ef0087.jpg
088 General View of Ramleh, ef0088.jpg
089 Tower of Forty Martyrs, ef0089.jpg
090 Lydda, ef0090.jpg
091 Site of Tabitha's House, ef...jpg
092 Panorama of Jaffa, ef0092.jpg
094 St. Peter's House, Jaffa, e...jpg
095 Bazar at Jaffa, ef0095.jpg
096 Jaffa from Hotel Window, ef0096.jpg
097 Mount Carmel, ef0097.jpg
098 Mount Tabor, ef0098.jpg
099 Jenin by Early Morning Light, ef...jpg
100 Bedouin Camp, Jezreel, ef0100.jpg
101 Nazareth from the East, ef0101.jpg
102 Street in Nazareth, ef0102.jpg
103 Column of the Virgin, ef0103.jpg
104 English Orphanage's Courtya...jpg
105 Saint Mary's Well, ef0105.jpg
106 Camels Feeding at Nazareth, ef01...jpg
110 Altar, Latin Church, ef0110.jpg
111 Latin Church of Annunciation, ef...jpg
112 Palace of Herod, Sebaste, ef0112.jpg